
Friday, August 10, 2012

Letting SAHM define ME & change.

I'm more than just a SAHM... but for the past 3 {almost 4} years, I've let myself go. I've used being a SAHM as an excuse for staying in my pajamas all day. For not putting on makeup for weeks. For keeping my hair in a ponytail for far too long. I've used the excuse that it is just too hard to work out while having two children. Daycare is too expensive. I don't trust babysitters. We typically eat healthy, but I eat while I'm cooking. I eat standing up and I eat after the kids go to bed. Why? Because its just easier...Excuses.

I'm tired of feeling frumpy. I'm tired of not being able to wear all of the cute clothes that I want to wear. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and not feeling good about myself. I'm just tired. Period.

I started reading this blog a few weeks ago... I have laughed my ass off. She is funny! I have cried too. She is real! She is so inspiring! I want to change!
Finally someone I can relate to!

I'm ready for a change! I'm ready to look in the mirror and think "I'm a sexy bitch!" I'm ready for my husband to look at me and think "Damn! I'm a lucky man!"

I know I can do this...