
Friday, August 10, 2012

Letting SAHM define ME & change.

I'm more than just a SAHM... but for the past 3 {almost 4} years, I've let myself go. I've used being a SAHM as an excuse for staying in my pajamas all day. For not putting on makeup for weeks. For keeping my hair in a ponytail for far too long. I've used the excuse that it is just too hard to work out while having two children. Daycare is too expensive. I don't trust babysitters. We typically eat healthy, but I eat while I'm cooking. I eat standing up and I eat after the kids go to bed. Why? Because its just easier...Excuses.

I'm tired of feeling frumpy. I'm tired of not being able to wear all of the cute clothes that I want to wear. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and not feeling good about myself. I'm just tired. Period.

I started reading this blog a few weeks ago... I have laughed my ass off. She is funny! I have cried too. She is real! She is so inspiring! I want to change!
Finally someone I can relate to!

I'm ready for a change! I'm ready to look in the mirror and think "I'm a sexy bitch!" I'm ready for my husband to look at me and think "Damn! I'm a lucky man!"

I know I can do this...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

{A Little About Me}

My name is Tasha. I'm 23. Daughter since March 1989. Wife since March 2008. Mom since November 2008.

I was raised in Jones Creek, Tx, close to Galveston and the beach. We moved Broaddus,Tx in 2001. My parents are from Broaddus. Population 212, now, I believe. Back then it was 189! Small town. No redlights. Gas stations, diners, churches & the lake about sums it up. I never really did fit in there. I'm not exactly big city... but I've figured out that I'm not small town either.

I met Hubbs in 2005. I was 16 & he was 19. I was going through a bit of a rough patch in my life. Trying new things and figuring out who I was. He saved me. And we've been together ever since. I moved to Lufkin with Hubbs the day after I graduated. Its about 45 minutes from Broaddus, depending on how fast or slow you drive. Lufkin & I are a better fit. :)

Hubbs & I got married March 21, 2008. Shortly after returning from our honeymoon, we found out we were going to be parents! Our sweet K was born November 24th. She was the most precious little thing ever! Two short years later came J on October 11. And he has been my 'baby' ever since. K is very independent and a total Daddy's Girl. J is my little guy and the man of the house when Hubbs is gone.

Hubbs works for a seismographing company that is currently drilling in Tyler,Tx. He is a good 2 hours away from home. We get to see him once a week, 2 times if we're lucky, for a few hours in the evening and then its bedtime. He leaves at 4am to go back to work. Its a huge sacrafice, but it's what has to be done for our family right now. So, I stay home and take care of our children while he works. I have two part-time jobs that bring in a little extra spending money for us. A children's boutique & a photography business. I do both from home. I enjoy them, but only when I'm in the mood to work. I get burnt out quickly and take breaks often.

Most days you can find me cleaning house and doing laundry. We play alot of trucks and dolls around here too. There is alot of kicking & screaming, fussing & fighing, and loving & hugging. (not always just the kids) :) It's crazy, but I wouldn't trade any of it.  I enjoy cooking & baking and trying out new recipes. I've recently taken an interest in batch cooking, so I've been trying out some freezer meals. In my spare time I enjoy reading, bubble baths, & crafting. I have a love for all things DIY, so there is always a new project being started around here.

My sweet kiddos will be starting school this year. K is starting Pre-K and J will be going to Pre-school. I tell ya, as much as I know I will miss them, I sure am looking forward to a break. Being a stay-at-home-mom is tough y'all.

That just about sums us up. We live a pretty happy life.
It has its ups & downs at time. There is a lot of craziness. 
I'm looking forward to blogging it all.
